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Interesting site. My father is Douglas Dick McOsker and grandfather was Bruce Howard McOsker (born in Oklahoma).

Ken, Great website, truly well done! I envy your travels and your documentation is above par.

The inclusion of several NGS Y DNA testing have advanced our shared history almost to the point where I can see the sub clade branching of family lines in the Airghialla Mag Uidhir project. We've had 16 BigY and 1 Full Genome test, new SNPs discovered are indeed revealing.

Keep up the great work.

I was Googling "Maguire History Weekend" to see if I could find dates for next year, and your site came up in the results. We were there in 2013, too! In fact, I can see myself and my wife in the photo from the banquet. Hope you are all doing well! We hope to return next year.

Going to Fermanagh in Sept. 2014 would appreciate any McCusker/Malloy/McManus/Lunney information.
Maternal grandparents were Michael McCusker & Annie/Roseann Malloy. Great Grandparents were Hugh McCusker & Alice McManus/Thomas Malloy & Roseann Lunney all from Fermanagh. Thank you.

really intersting

According to, my oldest known ancestor is Hugh MacOskar, born in Monaghan, Cork, Ireland on 15 Mar 1787. Hugh married Catherine Sarah Gallagher and had 4 children. He passed away on 3 Jul 1857 in Smithfield, De Kalb, Indiana, USA. His 2nd son (Fergus McOsker) married Mary Elizabeth Baxter and had 13 children. His 13th child and youngest son (Charles Emmett McOsker) married Mary Etna Black and had 4 children. His 3rd child (Van Cleve McOsker)married my paternal grandmother, Edna Josephine Arndt, and had 5 children. His 5th child (Kenneth McOsker)was my father.

Hugh McOsker was my 3rd Great Grandfather, Ferguson McOsker my 2nd Great Grandfather, Stephen Douglas McOsker my Great Grandfather and Artie Maude McOsker my maternal Grandmother. I am originally from Malibu, California but now reside in Southern Oregon.

I am from Baltimore, MD. My ancestors are from Mullaghglass, Ardboe Parish, County Tyrone. They came here in 1899-1902, but a Philip mcCusker may have been here considerably earlier.